Drape Kings

Poly Premier Red Event Drape

Poly Premier Red Event Drape

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Our Red Poly Premier is a great low cost solution for any event. This upscale alternative to Banjo drape is truly 8′ high – and at 10′ wide allows for less panels.

Call Drape Kings toll-free at 888 DRAPE ME to discuss your pipe & drape needs.

Knit, 100% polyester fabric perfect for backgrounds and tradeshow booths.


5.35 oz/sq yd | 180 g/sq m

125″ wide ↔ | 3.175m wide ↔

Inherently Flame Retardant. Certified to pass NFPA 701.

Made in China.


All drape sizes are nominal. Colors are for representation only. Dye lots and colors may vary.