Drape Kings

Supervel Red Event Drape

Supervel Red Event Drape

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Red Supervel

Add a splash of this firecracker Red Supervel to any event space and it will quickly transform from dull to wildly romantic. This IFR, 100% polyester fabric has a multidimensional dappled finish, is lightweight, wrinkle free, and typically hung at 80-100% fullness but can always be used with more drape to create an even more dramatic effect.

Call Drape Kings toll-free at 888 DRAPE ME to discuss your pipe & drape needs.

Lightweight, brushed polyester velour with a dappled finish.


8 oz/ly | 247.38 g/lm

Red Supervel
Red Supervel with Fullness

All drape sizes are nominal. Colors are for representation only. Dye lots and colors may vary.